Wednesday, February 29, 2012


          "What the hell?" Darren muttered as he kept turning the Connecticut postcard over and over. The front showed a photo of a pizza place with the sign Mystic Pizza on it. When he turned it over, the postcard appeared torn and worn, but the front was whole and shiny.
                You look at me and see a scrap of paper swirling around in the gusts of winds leap-frogging across the pavement. You do not pick me up so you do not see my potential. Text, pictures and language change for the reader. I can be anything written, drawn, or printed, anything, until you pick me up and as your eyes move across the surface, I could change into:
A quick diagram of the positions of Pequot advance guards during a skirmish during                        an’s slow occupation of Pequot land both bought and stolen, although buying                             also meant stealing
A yearbook photo of Bryon Gilbert, for the American School for the Deaf, 1976
                A medical chart on a patient diagnosed with sexual inversion at Undercliff Sanatorium
“It shall be established that a pickle shall not be considered a pickle unless it has been demonstrated that said pickle is capable of sufficiently bouncing upon a hard surface.”
                The 6th page of a thesis on the underlying subtext regarding feminism in Graham Greene’s  

                A lost story penned by Mark Twain
                A note from a woman in love with a man who is not her husband
                An announcement of the latest student production at the Arts at the Capitol Theater Magnet School
                A print out of a Craigslist posting for a free space heater
                Laundry soap, Nutter Butter cookies, orange juice, soy sauce and a box of pas
                A letter from a jilted lover threatening to come over and destro            intage turntable shit
          he loves so much and see how he likes that, the total jerk  b                          cker asshole
                A poem by a seven year old girl about a silver dog th                                          to t
                BUR 516 à July 2nd returning 516 ßon ? will ha                                                   s
                A photo of a boy holding out a banana to a
                You will just never know unless yo
                  another  perhaps I will chang
                     p your rank indiffe
                       tes within th

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, you won a Liebster award! Check out my latest blog entry and see what it's all about.
